Access to Student Information

You Can’t Always Get The Information You Want
(Unless You Know These Rules)

您是否希望全球网赌十大网站(全球赌博十大网站)能够为您提供您学生的学业进展甚至学费余额等信息? If so, read on. 你可能会惊讶地发现,在大多数情况下,全球赌博十大网站需要你的学生的书面同意. 我们希望这些信息能帮助您了解全球赌博十大网站保护学生隐私的责任,并鼓励您现在就采取行动,确保在需要时能够访问学生信息,或者至少避免因不了解规则而感到沮丧.

It’s not just a school policy, but it’s the law. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities are subject to federal law, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and state law, the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA), which contain detailed rules about student record privacy. 这些法律的一个关键条款是,大学生有权控制向第三方(包括父母)披露自己的私人教育记录, spouses or other family members. 这些权利适用于所有大学生,即使他们是未成年人.*

What is an “education record”?
受这些隐私法约束的“教育记录”包含了广泛的信息. Examples of education records include: grades, housing information, class enrollment, attendance information, counseling or medical records from campus health centers, disciplinary records, tuition balance information – and much more. Most education records are classified as “private.”


In most circumstances, family members will need to show a signed, dated informed consent / authorization to release student information form. Or pickup the form in the Welcome and One Stop Center. However, any document that includes the following would be valid: who is authorized to release the information; to whom the information may be released; what information may be released; the purpose for which the information may be used; the student’s notarized signature; and a date. 来自学生的简单的电子邮件或电话是不够的授权.

Send the completed form to the 全球赌博十大网站 Welcome and One Stop Center.

An original release form is not required. School officials may honor a copy of a valid release, including a fax. 授权可以允许通过电话或电子邮件披露信息,只要在文件中有其他有效的发布. 表单还可以授权正在进行的披露,例如每个学期的成绩.

我们鼓励您在访问问题出现之前与您的学生讨论签署释放. Releases may be as broad or a limited as desired. 你可能想提醒你的学生,不允许你获得学费余额等信息的潜在负面后果!

No. 对于私人信息,你通常需要学生的书面同意, even if you financially support the student in whole or in part.

No. Any release of privacy rights requested by the school must be voluntary.

每所学院或大学都将其学生的某些信息定义为“目录”.“任何人都可以获得目录数据,不需要学生同意就可以发布. 然而,学生有权压制他们的目录数据,使其被视为“私人”.” For those students, 未经书面同意或其他法律授权,学校官员不得公布其目录数据. 全球赌博十大网站对“目录”数据的定义可以在本文档的末尾找到.** Note that it is subject to change.

Where can I go for further information on the privacy of student records?
Contact the 全球赌博十大网站 Data Practices Compliance Officer, Nate Stoltman, regarding student record policies. To make a public data request, click here.

* pso学生的记录通常会与该学生所在的高中共享. 除非学生年满18岁,否则家长有权查看学生在高中的记录.

**Directory Data


  •  student name
  •  program of study
  •  入学状况(在校-全日制或兼职,已毕业,退学)
  •  dates of enrollment
  •  degrees, honors, and awards received, as well as dates of receipt

Limited Directory Data

罗切斯特社区和技术学院指定以下信息为有限目录数据, which may be released subject to specific limitations on parties, purposes, or both, but not available to the general public:

  • 学生的联系信息可能会被披露给其他明尼苏达州立机构的营销转移机会的目的.
  • 学生的联系信息可能会透露给罗切斯特社区和技术学院基金会.
  • 学生的全球网赌十大网站和时间表信息可能会与全球赌博十大网站校园安全部门共享,用于调查目的.
  • 毕业学生的联系信息可能会透露给签约的毕业典礼摄影师,以提供证明和订单信息.
  • 毕业生的联系信息可能会披露给劳动力中心,以提供就业援助和/或其他劳动力中心服务.
  • STAR id和电子邮件地址可以在内部共享,以便为学生提供服务和技术支持,并在在线学生目录中发布.  使用在线教学方法的课程可能要求班级成员共享电子邮件地址.
  • student participation in officially recognized activities and sports, along with height, weight, and high school of athletic team members, for use in 全球赌博十大网站 publications.
  • student hometown, for use in 全球赌博十大网站 publications
  • photographs of students, individually and in groups (stills or motion), for use in 全球赌博十大网站 publications, student ID cards, and security purposes